Three of Pentacles

Prompt: Adam Milligan

Artist’s notes:

Etching – Oil based Ink and watercolor. Worked on this in my school’s Print Lab. it was really fun to work on. If you don’t know how etching works, you take a metal plate and cover it with asphaltum (It’s like tar.) You then bake the asphaltum onto the plate and draw into it. Afterword you slip it into an acid bath and let the acid eat away at the exposed lines of the drawing. I left mine in about 6 hours. Afterword I washed if off and printed it. I have six copies – three black and white and three color. I handcolored it with a set of watercolors I had at home. I thought it fit with the spirit of the card, since the whole card is about making work a little harder for yourself and that is what I did. Hope you enjoy it!

Three of Pentacles – Adam Milligan

  • Designed by: White Monarch